
IT Security

We will ensure the security of your data and individual information systems.

Hardening is a key process in system security, aimed at actively reducing the occurrence of potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited by cyber attackers. In modern times, hardening is considered one of the essential measures to ensure the security of data and individual information systems within an organization.

How do we proceed?

The hardening process is a crucial element in an application and operating system security, that consists of the following steps:



In the first phase a detailed analysis of the systems to be secured is carried out. Selection criteria may include the system’s importance and its significance for the company’s overall security.


Definition of Security Policies

The analysis results define precise security policies, specifying how systems should be configured. These policies must comply with cyber security regulations and standards, such as CIS benchmarks.


Implementation of Processes

Subsequently, the implementation of security policies into practice is carried out. This includes not only technical aspects, but also processes for managing and updating policies over time.


Control and Audit

The final phase involves regular control and auditing to ensure, that security policies are adhered to and systems remain protected against various threats.

Hardening can be applied to various operating systems, database systems and network components from some vendors.

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